Printer Friendly Version Documentary Film Projection @ 14 March 2014 10:11 AM

In organization of the Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia, projection of the documentary  movie "The Calvary of Serbia" by Stanislav Krakov, was held on the 18 February in the Cultural Centre "Vafopulio" in Thessaloniki.

On the occasion of 100 years of the First World War, Consulates of Serbia and Russia organized program, in which Consul General of the Russian Federation Mr. Aleksej Popov, presented the historical facts with the emphasis on cooperation between the two Consulates at that time, as well as the telegraph correspondence of Emperor Nikolaj.
Afterwards in the program, Ana Tomanović, a pianist from Thessaloniki, successfully performed Serbian songs "There, far away", "Moving the ship of France" and the "March on the Drina river", and the Srbian documentary movie about the suffering and resurrection of the Serbian army during the First World War was displayed.